Since I've last posted I've actually made it back to in-person school and life is even busier. And because we've just started the football season which means that we as a marching band have been more stressed-out than ever. Because of Covid-19, we started marching late so every single game we seem to play something new, which is very hard to prepare in 3-2-and-a-half hour practices. But overall my band experience has been great, the weather is finally cooling down here, and playing the music loud while marching is very fun. However we were unable to prepare a full-blown show, but instead a marching version of Malaguena. Our band director says we could still do our show (which is a marching rendition of Pictures at an Exhibition) so that may be a possible video, but I really don't see how we'll have enough time in the football season with how bad ou team is. So far we've got 7-35, and 7-49, losing side, we're amazing.
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